Josephine and Peter's Wedding
Ipiriri aka The Love Boat
Josephine and Peter's decision to get married on a boat perfectly reflected the Kiwi affinity with nature; especially the sea and New Zealand's beautiful coastlines. Continuing with the Kiwi theme; this couple were warm and easy-going which always makes for an awesome day at the photography 'office'. I love the way a couple can look at each other as if they are the only two people in the world. Along with a hard-case bridal party, a gaggle of gorgeous kids and a swing we got some fun, relaxed shots along the beach at Motuihe Island. I have been very fortunate to work with some amazing couples at a variety of different Auckland wedding venues and I am now happily adding a boat wedding to my list. My only regret of this charming wedding was leaving at 8pm by water taxi and missing the night's festivities because I'm pretty sure I saw a guest bring a guitar on board! Oh, and ever since then I've been humming the tune of The Love Boat... my family is not too impressed, ha!